Schanda Conservation Park, Newmarket

Newmarket Park in Winter, Photo by Rachael StevensThis town-owned park, located in downtown Newmarket, is on the tidal portion of the Lamprey River. At only .4 acres, it is small, but well worth a visit. Visitors can view the historic mills of Newmarket, boats and boaters out on the water, abundant wildlife, and a fish weir based on traditional Native American design. The park is a popular setting for concerts and other events. During the summer, kayaks and equipment are available for rent through the Newmarket Recreation Department.

Click here to view the kiosk at Schanda Park.


Fish Weir off Schanda Park, Photo by Joanne Trahan

Did You Know?

Schanda Park

Schanda Park is named for Richard Schanda, 1929-2004, a lifelong resident of Newmarket who was active in many town activities, including the conservation committee and the historical society. Come and sit a while and enjoy the great view!