
This lesson gives students the opportunity to express their ideas and newly gained knowledge about the Lamprey in a self-selected style. Students will have spent time during previous lessons learning about the many fascinating aspects of the river. They will now have the opportunity to write a letter, sketch or paint a picture, or design a self-expressive project honoring the Lamprey River.


How will each student express ideas and newly gained knowledge about the river?


Varies with the individual project.

Learning Objectives:

Students will be able to:

  • express their knowledge about the Lamprey River
  • design a project that shows an appreciation of the importance of the Lamprey


To be determined individually by students, depending upon their projects.

  1. Have students gather their science/personal journals, maps and any other materials they have collected pertaining to the Lamprey River.
  2. As a group, discuss what students now know about rivers and in particular what they now know about the Lamprey River. Allow students to refer to their journals and notes during the discussion.
  3.  Explain to students that they will be designing a project to express the importance of the Lamprey River to themselves, their school, and the local com­munity. Allow students time to discuss ideas they might have as to how they could do this. Some suggested projects might be a letter written to the river, a sketch or watercolor painting of a favorite spot along the river, a brochure out­lining some important features of the river, a timeline showing the historical development of the river, a products map showing the variety of items that were produced or transported on the Lamprey River, a research paper on one of the many individuals who lived on or made their living from the Lamprey River or a play written about the river.
  4. You might want to end your unit study about the Lamprey by inviting parents, school community members, and community members with an interest in the Lamprey River to a "River Festival" at which students share their projects.  
  5. Examples:

Dear Lamprey River,

I have learned a lot about you. I know all the towns that you travel through. I learned that you have been here for a long time and that you helped lots of different people.

I liked learning about the Native Americans best. They used you to get from one place to another in their canoes. They made their canoes out of trees that lived close to you. They also got food from you. Did you like having them use you to survive?

When I saw you at Betty Meadows, you were very small. In Newmarket, you were big. I liked watching the birds and animals.

In the summer I swim in you and in the winter I like to ice skate on you.

Thank you for being so kind.

Your friend, Cynthia


Dear friend, I wrote this poem about you:

Swiftly flowing, quietly going

Water deep and cold.

Gently singing

Loudly ringing

Running big and bold.

                        I had fun learning about you. I hope I can visit you again.

                                                                                    Sincerely, Nora