Lamprey River Advisory Committee (LRAC) Research Grants Program
Program Description
The Research Grants Program is intended to inform and support efforts that protect or enhance river resources or needs that build on goals identified in the Lamprey Rivers Management Plan 2013 Update. Grants will be for one-time projects that can be completed within a specified time frame, but may be renewed if deemed appropriate by the LRAC. The products of the grants are to be accessible to and usable by individuals and groups who have a connection to or interest in the Lamprey River watershed. Preference will be given to projects that enhance the National Wild and Scenic River designations for ecology, anadromous fishery, history/archaeology, or clean water.
Applications will be accepted on an on-going basis. Once granted, projects should generally be completed within 6 months. Applicants are encouraged to contact Ms. Grace Levergood, LRAC chair, for more information or to discuss potential projects ( Completed application forms should be emailed to or mailed to LRAC , c/o 71 Allen Farm Road, Northwood, NH 03261.
Each Research Grant shall not exceed $20,000. The grant money is to be used for expenses directly associated with the project. No more than 9.09 % of the total grant (LRAC commitment) shall be used for finance and administration of the grant. Grantees are expected to provide full disclosure as to how funds were spent and provide receipts as appropriate. Grantees are required to complete an IRS Form W-9 for tax and accounting purposes. All projects and associated publicity/outreach will acknowledge LRAC funding as follows:
"These funds are provided by the National Park Service under CFDA 15.962 – National Wild and Scenic Rivers System.” and include the LRAC logo.
As a sub-recipient, the grantee or contractor is responsible for meeting the audit requirements of OMB Circular A-133 regarding the expenditure of $750,000 or more in federal awards during the contractor's fiscal year, and for compliance with other laws, regulations, and the provisions of the parent grant agreement.

Who May Apply:

Eligible entities include, but are not limited to, university researchers and supervised university students, town planning boards, conservation commissions, schools, and other town-sanctioned committees. Community-based nonprofit 501(c)(3) organizations, such as historical societies, churches, garden clubs, local land trusts, and neighborhood groups are also eligible. Individuals interested in applying are strongly encouraged to partner with either a town or nonprofit organization.
Project proposals must meet the following criteria:
- Complement on-going LRAC projects, especially those defined in the 2013 Lamprey Rivers Management Plan. Examples include the following:
- conservation, restoration, or enhancement of ecological, historic, or recreational resources
- protection or enhancement of water in or going into the rivers
- efforts to promote ecological resiliency in the face of climate change and increasing human population
- public education about the river and its resources
- protection of land and soils along the rivers
- research intended to further understanding of resources in and along the rivers
Acknowledge LRAC as the sponsor for all projects. All products produced must contain the following: "Funds for this project were provided by the National Park Service under CFDA 15.962 – National Wild and Scenic Rivers System.” and include the LRAC logo.
In addition, projects will be given greater consideration if they meet the following criteria:
- Be of value beyond the date of completion.
- Educate people about the river and watershed.
- Engage partnerships with municipalities or community groups.
Each proposal must contain the following information (Completing the LRAC Grant Application is the easiest format, but it is not required.):
- project title
- name, address, telephone number(s), e-mail address
- affiliation (if appropriate)
- objectives
- intended audience
- location of project
- project procedures
- budget (maximum 10% of direct costs for administrative overhead)
- task timeline
- specific 2013 Lamprey Rivers Management Plan portions addressed by the proposal
- evaluation
- how the project will protect the river, its tributaries, and the watershed
- who will benefit from the project
- how the project will increase public awareness of the rivers
Application Review Criteria:
Project proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria. Projects do not need to meet all criteria to be eligible; however, stronger proposals will address many of the following:
- Does the proposal address the protection, enhancement, or promotion of one or more of the goals noted in the 2013 Lamprey Rivers Management Plan?
- Does the proposal provide enough detail to show that all resources- financial and human- will be available to complete the project in the proposed timeline?
- How will the project’s effectiveness and impact relative to the project goals be evaluated?
- Is there demonstrated support of the project from all involved parties?
- Does the project engage partners or raise public awareness about the rivers?
- Are there any matching funds or in-kind contributions to the project? (These are strongly encouraged, but not required.)
- Does the proposal demonstrate sufficient experience or available expertise needed to complete the project (either from the applicant or through partners or contractors?)
- Are results of the projects sustainable after completion of the project? Will future activities or decision at the community, municipal, or regional level build on the results of the proposed project? How will maintenance or future work be funded?
Reports and Products:
Open communication between the grantee and the Grants Workgroup is encouraged. At least one written interim report updating the subcommittee on progress is required within four months of the award date.
The final report and products are generally required six months after the award date. Final reports must contain the following:
- a brief description of the project, including title, purpose, audience, procedures, & evaluation procedures
- a list of valuable accomplishments & who benefited
- funds budgeted and how they were spent
- two copies of any products (reports, press releases, photos)
Grantees are often invited to speak to the full LRAC when their project is completed.
Payment to Grantees
Due to the short-term nature of Research Grant projects, one half of the total grant will be paid to the grantee upon notification of grant approval by the committee and submission by the grantee of an invoice and completed IRS Form 1090. The remaining half will be paid to the grantee upon completion of the project and receipt of the final report and any associated products.