About the LRAC
Important LRAC Documents
2013 Lamprey Rivers Management Plan
1996 Wild and Scenic Designation
Lamprey River Water Management Plan (Instream Flow)
Who We Are
Members of the Lamprey River Advisory Committee (LRAC) are nominated by their local governing bodies and appointed by the New Hampshire Rivers Management Advisory Committee. The LRAC members represent different interests on the river, including local governing boards, river-front property owners, businesses, historians, recreationists, and farmers. The original LRAC consisted of representatives from the Wild and Scenic River towns of Epping, Lee, Durham, and Newmarket. In 2011, the committee expanded significantly to include representatives from all towns that lie in the Lamprey River drainage area. This larger committee is a local advisory committee as defined in the NH Rivers Management and Protection Program. Because the Wild and Scenic designation bestows certain responsibilities and funding that apply only to the Wild and Scenic section of the main stem Lamprey River, representatives from the Wild and Scenic towns participate in both the Lamprey River Advisory Committee and the Wild and Scenic Subcommittee.
The Lamprey River is also the focus of the Lamprey River Watershed Association. The LRWA is a registered 501 (c) (3) non-profit as defined by the US Internal Revenue Service. It is comprised of volunteers from the fourteen towns in the Lamprey River's drainage area. To connect to their website, please click here www.lrwa-nh.org. The LRAC and the LRWA often work closely together to protect and enhance the natural assets of the river.