Lamprey River Fish Community Survey 1998 Summary of Findings
from NH Fish and Game Statewide Inventory of Public Waters
1998 Lamprey River Main Stem Only
FD = fluvial dependent | I = intolerant | ||
FS = fluvial specialist | M = moderate | ||
RFD = regional fluvial dependent | T = tolerant | ||
RFS = regional fluvial specialist | MHG=macrohabitat generalist |
Overall, in 1998, 50% of main stem fish were fluvial dependent, 34.4% were macrohabitat generalists, and 15.5% were fluvial specialists.
In 1983-1985, 72.6% of main stem fish were fluvial specialists, 10.2 % were fluvial dependent, and 17.0% were macrohabitat generalists.
1998 Lamprey River Main Stem and Tributaries
FD = fluvial dependent | I = intolerant |
FS = fluvial specialist | M = moderate |
RFD=regional fluvial dependent | T = tolerant |
RFS = regional fluvial specialist | MHG = macrohabitat generalist |
Overall, in 1998, 42.7% of main stem and tributary fish were macrohabitat generalists, 34.8% were fluvial dependent, and 22.4% were fluvial specialists.
In 1983-1985, 68.1% of main stem and tributary fish were fluvial specialists, 21.5% were macrohabitat generalists, and 10.4% were fluvial dependent.
Although mostly not encountered in the above summer fish surveys, the Lamprey also has or has historically had the following diadromous fish: Atlantic salmon, alewife, blueback herring, American eel, sea lamprey, American shad, and smelt. These species typically remain in fresh water for less than a year.