In the lower four Lamprey towns of Epping, Lee, Durham, and Newmarket, 159 species of birds have been sighted, including four species listed as endangered in New Hampshire: pied-billed grebe, bald eagle, sedge wren, and peregrine falcon. Those who live, walk, or canoe along the river might have noticed several birds that are considered uncommon elsewhere: red-shouldered hawks, whip-poor-wills, black ducks, black-crowned night herons, bobolinks, meadowlarks, least flycatchers, wood thrushes, and American redstarts. The river provides valuable habitat for birds to feed, breed, and nest. In the spring and fall, the river corridor provides a critical resting place with plenty of shoreland food for migrating birds. The fact that there are so many bird species attests to a wide variety of plants and habitats, including undeveloped upland areas adjacent to the river.
For a complete list of bird species found along the Lamprey, please see Appendix C of the Lamprey River Resource Assessment from 1993-1994.
Pileated woodpeckers are usually found in areas with old trees. Their large, rectangular holes are unmistakable. Photo by RH Lord.